Wealth Principle Series

Wealth PrinciplesGood Day and Happy New Month. I got this post from a friend on facebook, one of the financial experts I admire – Matthew Abolurin. Read through and don’t forget to drop your comments.

The Power of Imagination

Allowing your mind to picture future possibilities gives you incentive to keep on track toward your goal of becoming wealthy. The rich imagine a lot of times. They picture themselves in the realm of affluence and make it happen by craving for the real experience through creative activities. The poor also imagine but fail to think and act in a certain way to make it happen. The POOR will always wish their imaginations come true without doing anything. Are you going to act on your positive imaginations?

You deserve to be Wealthy

The day you realize that you deserve to be wealthy, immediately align your thoughts, words and actions to that belief. The poor justify their poverty that is why they claim that the poor must always be among us. Think, feel, practice and focus completely by placing a demand on what you deserve- to be wealthy. God desires wealth for you that is why He got everything man will ever need ready before creating him. You deserve to be wealthy spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and no area of your life should be richer than the other. What are you eligible to, wealth or poverty?

Passion is critical to creating wealth

Passion is the bye-product of success, achievement and performance in life. Passion ignites our purpose to get more result- peace and prosperity. The people wealthy know how to remain passionate about their dreams to creating lasting wealth. The place of passion cannot be over-emphasized in becoming wealthy. Passion keeps us motivated and helps us to persevere in the face of challenges to achieving our goals. The poor is strongly passionate about survival not riches. What are you passionate about?

Give to charity

Three things the rich know how to do very well are: saving, investing and giving to charity. Giving back to the society is an act of gratitude to God. For God so love the world that He gave… If you want to be rich, you MUST practice the three things that the rich knows how to do very well. Learn to give a percentage of your income not less than 10% back to God and give to charity. Are you supporting a child in school somewhere? Are you giving to the poor around you? The things in your house that you have not used for the past six months to one year are no longer your own, give them out. The more Bill Gates gives to charity, the wealthier he becomes. If you are not giving to charity, it means you’re still poor no matter how rich you think you are.

Caution! Giving alone will lead to more poverty. You give, save and invest in your future regularly.


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